What is Rooted Relationships™️

My name is Mallika and I am the founder of Rooted Relationships™️,

a framework supporting all of us to develop the skills needed for satisfying and transformational relationships.

Rooted Relatonships™️ Logo - a method for building better relationships for couples.

Rooted Relationships™️ is a framework for building better relationships for couples.

Through my work as a Marriage and Family Therapist, as well as my other areas of interest, I’ve come to see, and know in my own life, the importance of connection, freedom and integrity in our relationships. I’ve come to value my own personal growth as the most satisfying thing I can do with my one precious life. Understanding and cultivating satisfying relationships is my Dharma!

Branching out from the clinical psychology training and experience I’ve had, creating Rooted Relationships™️ has helped me integrate many areas of understanding that I’ve gained over the past 20 years of my exploration and education. Here is a little bit about what Rooted Relationships™️ is . . .

Couple stands by fire, showing how to make your relationship better.

We all experience suffering. It’s part of being human.

Rooted Relationships™️ has been built as a path out of suffering. It is a practice, a set of tools, skills and a commitment to undoing the tensions, defenses and stories that keep us locked in our suffering.

Rooted Relationships™️ will teach you how to build a good relationship with your partner.

This framework supports us as we move through our wounding, understand our defenses, and connect deeply, to ourselves and to each other. We cannot have a rooted relationship without truth; and yet, the truth is moment-to-moment, and we often defend against it. Rooted Relationships™️ helps us connect to and use our primary emotions of: joy, anger, sadness, disgust, fear, surprise and hurt. We all have developed very creative defenses against most of these true feelings. It is these defenses that keep us stuck, separate and suffering! If want to be free from suffering in our relationships, and be in integrity with ourselves and each other, we must learn to undo those defenses, when possible, and access our primary emotions.

A couple sits by a river, showing how to make your relationship better

Rooted Relationships™️ are:

  • Grounded in truth and trust.

  • Open to growth and change.

  • Able to hold space for our primary emotions.

  • Based in interdependence.

  • Supportive of internal exploration and inquiry.

  • Willing to undergo discomfort for the sake of maturing.

  • Incorporating the needs of all involved.

  • Resilient and able to navigate the ebbs and flows that organically occur in life.

Learning how to make your relationship better can lead to greater happiness.

Studies show that relationships are the number one marker of happiness for us humans. Relationship work is rewarding and important, for you, for your children and for all of us in these difficult times.

If you’re interested in less suffering in your life, and especially in relationship to others, I invite you to work with a Rooted Relationships™️ Mentor to learn these skills and get free! We have two types of containers right now:

Couples Cultivation - therapeutic mentoring for couples in a retreat setting in Weaverville, NC

Relational Leadership Groups - women’s groups held online and in Weaverville, NC

You can also email me with any questions at Mallika.Rootedrelationships@gmail.com


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